Spent a while frustrated with the diff today, it came from the salvage yard with the driver’s side axles still in – I figured OK no problem I don’t need that but that’s fine… went to pop the axle out today and that sucker is not coming out with anything we have in the shop including big ol’ prybars and slide hammers. Going to see if Snap On has the special tool for hammering it out through the opposing hole when they drop by tomorrow.. lesson learned: if the salvage yard gives you something strange, there’s probably a reason.
Perhaps the universe is telling me I should just track down a 3.73….
In an effort to do something productive today, I turned my attention to beginning the fuel lines. Dropped the rear subframe and gas tank and pulled the hard lines from under the car. Far from glamorous but at least I did a thing. I got a chance to take a look at the only place on my car I’ve never seen before: