Got some work done yesterday after work. I had mentioned earlier that the coolant expansion tank that I had been using with the 1.6L turned out to be too small for the LFX. So I picked up a Moroso tank with just about double the capacity:

The larger tank needed a new home, so tank position is moving to go up against the right side firewall. Because the lines to/from this tank need to be easily accessible to disconnect if I’m pulling the front nose off, I broke the lines up into two lines each, joined by bulkhead fittings on a little plate I made:

Tank and lines installed:

The tank takes up the location on the firewall where the relays and fuses were living. Because those items stay attached to the engine if the engine is pulled, and the tank stays with the chassis, I move that stuff forwards of the tank via another bracket so that it’s still just one M6 bolt to remove to release that from the car. All this stuff is waterproof, but there’s a splash shield integrated into the bracket, just in case: