Superlap Battle USA 2019. We brought the HyperMiata to a power track to battle against 600, 700, and 800 hp cars. Day 1 we got down to a 2:23.4 and surprised a lot of people that we could be so fast with just 300hp. I am pretty sure we had the lowest hp in out of all 19 cars in Limited. The fact that we got protested in this field of monsters is both comical and a compliment. We’re doing things right. Competitors are taking the Miata seriously, even at COTA.
After the Saturday night data and vid review we found a lot of areas where we could make improvements. Day 2 we had the setup dialed and I had all the places to find time on the track hammered into my brain. Unfortunately the transmission had an issue that ended our day early, but we’re coming away from COTA with a solid 5th place out of 19 cars!! It was an awesome event, amazing track, and we can’t wait to return next year.
I will have more to post soon, trying to clean up our Airbnb and get on the road this morning. Lots of miles to cover back to CA.
The cars ahead of us had no less than 650hp, and word is a couple were over 800. I’m curious to find more info on them. We learned a ton. We had more in it. We’ll have to wait until next year to find it.
There have been tons of people reaching out on social media, forums, etc. following our efforts and I want to thank everyone for all the well wishes and support. It’s been a truly epic weekend. I also can’t thank my crew enough; Moti of Blackbird Fabworx, and Greg and my awesome girlfriend Bri, both of Goodwin Racing. The four of us were in constant motion and full attack mode all weekend. No way could I have done this without them. Here are a couple more pics grabbed from various locations for now, will have more soon.
Miata Is Always The Answer!

Me being awkward, no idea what to do with my hands!

Texas BBQ!