Laguna Seca flew by! We had an amazing weekend, filled with meeting lots and lots of fellow enthusiasts.
But what about the HyperMiata? On Friday we set out to take a crack at the Miata lap record. I had just got some heat in the tires with one warmup lap and did a single flyer and saw a 1:35.25 light up on the display. That’s a new record! Going into turn 2 on the next lap the clutch failed. Man, I was just getting warmed up! There was definitely more in it. But in true Time Attack fashion, I didn’t know it but I had just the one lap to get it done and I did. Will have to go back some time and drill that record down further.
The rest of the weekend the car sat proudly on display in front of our garage:

Had a great time giving rides in the Budget NC Saturday and Sunday. It’s not neck-snapping like the HyperMiata but it extracted a lot of passenger “Wow”s and “Holy Crap”s as we chucked it through corners and dove deep into braking zones. This car is a riot, it shouldn’t be possible to build such a fun and capable car for so little.

By the end of the weekend I was aching to get back in Hyper and get just one more lap in. After so many laps that weekend I felt so much more ‘up to speed’ on the track than I had when I did those first couple laps Friday morning. Aaargh! Ah well, gotta have things to look forward to!